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Virtual Casa Kira Open House & Donation Drive for Sister Jose Women's Shelter

The April Casa Kira Open House this year is a donation drive for Sister Jose Women Shelter. Make a donation of any amount to Sister Jose, and I will send you a coupon code for my ETSY SHOP. To honor my Birthday Month, the coupon is good for 48% off of ANY ITEM! ( guess how old I turn this month?)

Please help them help women experiencing homelessness in our community. Your donations will be put to immediate use and can save lives. 

Plus, if you live in AZ, you can Claim the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit with your gift to Sister Jose's Women's Center 

Sister Jose is a Qualifying Charitable Organization for this Credit - use 20826 to claim your credit
Visit our website

From the Sister Jose Website :

For many Tucson women experiencing homelessness Sister Jose Women’s Center (SJWC) is their only safe haven and the first step to recovery from homelessness. We are a Tucson-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2009. Our low-barrier day center provides unaccompanied homeless women with a stable and safe environment to recuperate from the daily struggle of homelessness and extreme poverty. 

From all of us at Casa Kira, we love you, our friends and customers! Those of us in retail and the arts are in for some tough times this year, and yet we are so fortunate in so many ways and can only respond to the situation by extending love and support to the most vulnerable members of our Tucson community.