Casa Kira Studio’s, Annual Moms, Mimosas and Massage Open House! Stop by the studio the Saturday before Mother's Day and enjoy the unique shopping experience that only is found at Casa Kira. This year's lineup of guests is an amazing group of women.
Massage therapist Caryn Fraser of Agave Massage, Will honor us with her presence and skill in the “pop-up spa” on the luxurious porch of the Casa Kira studio
Brooke Patterson of Astral Mama Cosmic Wellness, will offer mini- astrology readings.
Shazieh Gorji, of Agave Pantry will bring us a special selection of Mother's Day amaretti and an assorted goodies and gifts.
And of course all of the bonus extra local art that rotates through the studio. We currently have hand-thrown mugs, by Stuart Goldberg, original cards by Everyday Beautiful Human, organic skincare by Sweet P’s.